From now until November 30, get 15% off any window cling in my shop! Discount will be applied at the checkout. Get a cling from your favourite fandom for your own window: Mulder & Scully, Spock, Harry & Hedwig, Sherlock & John, the heroes from Star Wars IV, the Fourth Doctor, the Tenth Doctor, Crowley […]
Latest work

I got very busy with glass over the last month or so. Here are some of the pieces I’ve completed: Lean Green Machine Steampunk Suncatcher: Made with different shades of green glass for the “spokes” and clear glasses. Laser-cut gears were cut out of metallic acrylic and adhered to the clear glass areas. Measures 6″x6″. […]

This is a commissioned piece. The client asked me to make a realistic looking Flukeman panel, with the X-Files logo in the background. And I accepted the challenge! The Flukeman is the iconic X-files monster from the episode, The Host. The image above shows it backlit by sunlight/window light. Here it is in room or […]
X-Files pieces

I had a couple of X-Files things to do over the summer. The first was a commission of my IWTB poster panel: The customer asked for a much bigger size than I usually make it – 11×14″ as opposed to 8×10″. It’s still a fun piece to make. The second was my XF candleholder, which […]
Sherlock Holmes & Doctor Watson

A commissioned panel of Sherlock Holmes & Doctor Watson based on 1984 TV series with Jeremy Brett and David Burke. It measures about 10″x10″. Glass paint was used for the watch chains, Holmes’s sovereign, and hat ties. The first photo shows the panel in window light and the second photo shows the panel in ambient […]
An Ineffable Duo

Truly holy and definitively wicked… A Good Omens inspired stained glass panel, featuring Crowley and Aziraphale, as they were portrayed in the Good Omens miniseries by David Tennant and Michael Sheen. Design is a minimalist style. It measures approximately 21.75″ by 13.75″. Made using copper foil method. Glass paint was used for Crowley’s tattoo and […]
Baker Street Boys – Stained Glass Panel

This panel is a remake of my original Sherlock panel that I made in 2013. Recently my tumblr post about it was getting some attention, so I decided to make it again and freshen up the design a bit. I’ve added a border, and embellished it with a smiley face made with glass paint, which […]

Just in time for the holidays! All static cling stickers on my Etsy site are now 15% off from now until Dec 31, 2018! They make great stocking stuffers!
I Want to Believe

I’ve made another I Want to Believe panel. Here it is in window light: And here it is in ambient light: Based on the iconic X-files poster. It measures about 8.5″ x 10.5″. Available on my Etsy site!
Starfleet Insignia Ornaments

Stained glass Starfleet insignia ornaments! Each measures approximately 2.75″x 1.75″. Black glass paint was used for the division symbols (engineering, command, and sciences). For sale on my Etsy site!
Agent Carter Panel

She knows her value! Agent Carter Panel now available on my Etsy site. A minimalist design of Peggy Carter in her iconic hat standing in front of the SSR symbol. Made using copper foil method. Glass paint used for the ribbons on her hat and the details on her shirt. Measures 12.25″ x 9.5″. Photos show […]
Kylo Ren

Commission for a friend’s son. Glass paint and Sharpie were used for Kylo’s mask. Measures 8.25″ x 10.25″.
Clone Club

Orphan Black inspired stained glass panel. The two photos show it in ambient light and illuminated by daylight. It measures 14.75″x22.5″. Glass paint was used for the lettering on Cosima’s lab coat, the blood on Helena’s dress, and for Helena’s roots. Contact for information on purchasing.
Fandom Stained Glass Window Clings!

Now available on my Etsy site: Fandom Stained Glass Window Clings! Can’t afford the real thing? Don’t want a huge panel? Here’s the next best thing to real stained glass! Get all five prints of my fandom stained glass on removable static cling vinyl – Sherlock, Spock, X-files, Harry Potter, and the Tenth Doctor. Simply […]
X-Files Candle Holder

X-files themed candle holder: And with a lit tealight: 3″x3″x4″. Glass paint was used for the tiny FBI badges and Scully’s necklace. Find it for sale on my Etsy page.
Harry Potter Triptych

This Harry Potter Triptych features Ron, Harry with Hedwig, and Hermione. Here it is in ambient light: Here it is illuminated: This is a commissioned panel. The client asked for the dimensions of 32″ x 12″ to fit a basement window. Glass paint was used for the stripes on the ties, Hedwig’s eyes, and […]
Stained Glass Mosaics

My first attempts at mosaics. I can say it’s easier than stained glass, but way messier. The pieces that are in frames are glass-on-glass, using Weldbond to apply the stained glass. The glass in the Rebel symbol on the right was applied with tile adhesive. The grout used in all three pieces was mosaic grout […]
Glassola at the CNE!

If you’re visiting the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) this summer, the exhibit, Let Your Fandom Flag Fly, features 3 of my stained glass panels and several photos of my work.
Harry Potter Panel

Harry Potter (in ambient light in top image and illuminated in lower image) 8″x11″ Glass paint used for scar and tie.
Mulder & Scully 2

X-Files was my first fandom and I will never be as obsessed with a show as I was with this one. So I had to make another X-Files panel. This one was 14.5×18.5″ panel. It’s based on my other minimalist design of Mulder and Scully with a few more embellishments. Made using copper foil method, […]
On the Bridge of the Enterprise

In ambient light: Illuminated: Commissioned piece. 18″x21.5″ glass paint used for Starfleet insignias.
Mr. Spock

Minimalist design of Spock from the original series of Star Trek. Dimensions: 9″x11″ Glass paint used for Starfleet insignia Available for sale.
Mulder and Scully

Mulder and Scully. Glass paint used for badges and Scully’s necklace 9.5″ x 12.5″